Sunday 17 January 2016

I Stand All Amazed

I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me.

I know we all have low moments in life, they are a part of our mortal journey here on earth! I believe our trials are totally made to fit us, to help us and strengthen us and prepare us for greater things than we can ever comprehend. At some point, each of us will probably reach a point where we feel we can no longer do it alone. Some of our trials may not seem hard to everyone around us; the grass is always greener on the other side. I guarantee you everyone you meet is literally fighting a battle you know nothing about. Stop, and take a moment, and think about the people you are closest to. They are probably all struggling with something, although they are on different scales of "hardness" they are still there. If those you are closest to are struggling, then odds are other people are too, you just might not realize it. Although you might not know. Jesus Christ does. He understands your trials, your pains, your pleasures, and your joys. He knows because He has felt the pain, too. David A, Bednar, a member of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, said, "You and I in a moment of weakness may cry out, "No one understands. No one knows." No human being perhaps knows, but the Son of God perfectly knows and understands, for he felt and bore the burdens before we ever did."

I don't always pray out loud, but last night I did. I was driving home from basketball, and I had a distinct thought that I needed to talk to God, to openly and reverently talk with Him. I turned off the radio, and immediately tears started to fall down my cheeks. Basically, I realized I was on the bottom of something, but I'm not sure what. I prayed for forgiveness, I prayed for peace of mind, and I prayed for strength. At first, I felt utterly alone and hopeless, but as my prayer became more fervent, so did my feelings of determination and a new perspective, one that made the impossible become possible, and the quiet but firm conformation that God cares about me. I pulled into my driveway, overwhelmed and humbled by the power of a simple prayer to my Heavenly Father, and the renewed hope that came with it. Today, as I sat waiting for a lesson at church, I was asked to read a scripture as part of the lesson. It was Doctrine and Covenants 33:8. Previously, the amazing woman who asked me to read the scripture sent me the exact same verse in a message. I had shared with her my fear of over speaking, or saying too much. She said she felt as long as you have something to say, it's completely okay to say it. That in itself was a huge comfort to me, but as she asked me to read it today, the feeling of peace flooded my entire being. I knew that God knew exactly what I needed, and had inspired her to ask me to read this scripture in class. This sister had no idea I needed that conformation of my identity today, but she was humble enough to respond to the prompting.

Aren't we all fighting a battle of some kind? Aren't we all just struggling to put one foot in front of the other at some point? Haven't we all, either knowingly or unknowingly, been the recipient of miracles, both large and small? Do we recognize the Hand of God in our lives?

This morning, as I woke up, and snow covered everything, I realized it was a blanket from heaven, meant to warm each of our souls after a long, cold storm. I believe we are all sent these blankets in our darkest hours, these Tender Mercies from our Father in Heaven, who wants us to succeed. He will send angels to help us, even though some of these angels might be mere mortals walking among us. His astounding knowledge of the desires of our hearts allows Him to better be able to help us on this difficult but beautiful journey on this earth.

I hope each of us can make an effort to reflect, and act upon any inspiration received. You just never know who might need it!

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