Wednesday 20 January 2016

Chaotic Magic of Passion

As I was lacing up my ankle braces for basketball practice, I realized it was the very first place and the very last place I wanted to be right then. I told this to Bailey Cahoon, and she said that's what the chaotic magic of passion is.

What are drives you? What makes you want to hop out of bed every morning, ready to handle whatever comes your way? What is your calling? 

I'm driven by success. One small success leads to another, and I want to be better. Some people are driven by the fear of failure; coincidentally, these are usually the people who are filled with fear from head toe but refuse to acknowledge it. They say nothing phases them. We are all scared of something, I'm scared I'll never reach my full potential, but I'm not too scared to let it get in my head. I know it's there, a little fear is good, healthy even. It's okay to be driven by fear, but don't let it drive you. This goes for any driving factor: reward, recognition, fear, success. Stay in the drivers seat, don't most your mind outthink itself. I guarantee you your mind is amazing, but there are bigger things out there than yourself. Find what drives you, face your fears, and stay in control. 

I find it way easier to get out of bed at five to go rope in the summer than to get out of bed at seven to go to school. I don't hate school, but it doesn't excite me or make my heart race. If I'm working towards a goal I absolutely love, or if I'm indulging on my passions, my mind finds a way to push out all the reasons to not do whatever I should do. This is the chaotic magic of passion. I'm excited by bettering myself, and by finding places that make my soul feel more alive. It's very easy to get out of bed when we are exploring our passions, doing whatever is necessary and more to be the best. They key is to find something you love and don't let anything stop you! 

I have no idea what I should do with my life. I have ideas but the question is constantly in my thoughts. I know I want to help people, but that's about it. I'm still looking for my calling, but I know it's out there. I think your calling might not be what you expected, it might be exactly what you pictured originally. Don't be afraid to explore a little, you might surprise yourself of your capabilities. But in the mean time, there's nothing wrong with enjoying the grand adventure of life. 

The chaotic magic of passion is beautiful and inspiring; let it spread across your mind! 

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