Sunday, 31 January 2016


J. R. R. Tolkien said, "Not all who wander are lost." 

There comes a point or two or two hundred in each of our lives where we stop and look around at everything you have or don't have. You start evaluating each area and aspect of your situation and decide if what you have is significant for you, or if you need something more in that area. You then decide which areas are thriving and which need the most attention. 

In most scenarios, a plan of attack is drawn up and followed, and in reality you end up fairly close to where you began, but you are pretty happy there so you stay. That's most cases.

In other situations, which aren't most, you look around, evaluate, and realize a change needs to occur. This isn't a chance like lose five pounds or organize the papers on your counter, or anything on that scale. This is a change your life, change your mindset, change everything change. You realize you're either at rock bottom, or you are starving your soul, and you need to feed it fast. This is completely okay for you, but it might seem odd or unusual to those around you. That's totally acceptable. You don't need someone else to approve of your dream, it's given to you for a reason. Put it to use. Don't let it or you wither away and die. Wander off the beaten path, become a pioneer in your field. Do something completely unprecidented because you never know what you can do until you try. Dare to amaze yourself, dare to use your talents, dare to change your life, and in turn change the lives of those you directly and indirectly associate with. 

Please don't think you can't wander away from your situation. If you're stuck in a mediocre place, you can leave. You can get up and walk away. Don't look back. Don't apologize for taking care of yourself. It is necessary and vital to your soul thriving. 

Eleanor Roosevelt said, "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Don't let your daydreams stay daydreams. Believe in them and believe in yourself enough to make them a reality. Wander away from the average lifestyle and the people in it, surround yourself with the phenomenal. 

I believe each of us need to do things for us. Personally I try to take time each day to reflect, with no technology. It allows me to keep a good perspective on my life and my goals. I also believe we need to do things to feel alive. This week there was a day I had no school, so I drove to Waterton simply to watch the sun rise. It didn't disappoint. I came away feeling that whatever happened, I knew God would help me through it. 

Please don't waste day after day wondering but not wandering. Wondering is a thought with no action; wandering is wondering put to useful action. Wander your own path, you'll find a greater peace of mind when you reevaluate again!

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Living Victoriously

Discouraged. Disappointed. Hopeless. Defeated. Maybe a little depressed. Heartbroken. Sad. Lonely.

At one point or another, most people have felt one or more of those things. I know I've felt the majority of them for sure. If you haven't, that's amazing, but it'll probably come sooner or later. It's part of life. This journey on earth is meant to push us and stretch us until we feel like we might break. Actually, it might push us until we feel like we will break, there's no might about it. I've been there multiple times. Guess what? I'm still here. 

I know I can handle anything life throws at me if I ask God for His help, there's no way I can do it on my own. We aren't meant to do it by ourselves, we weren't created to do such things. I believe the trials each of us face are meant to build us up, even though it's hard to see that in the midst of the difficult times each of us face. The things we are asked to go through are to make us more polished beings, and more empathetic to those around us. Aren't we all just trying to do our best? 

We were made to live victorious. We were made to live up to our potential, we were made to succeed. We weren't made to live discouraged, disappointed, hopeless, defeated, maybe a little depressed, heartbroken, sad, or lonely. We were made to live victoriously! We were made to win the battles. We were made to come out on top, we were made to lead, we were made to create. Our purpose here is to learn, grow, and live. Far too many people here are just alive, but not really living. There is nothing more satisfying, rewarding, or exhilarating than living victoriously every day of our lives. 

I think we need to celebrate our small victories every day. You made it on time to school/work/your dentist appointment? Awesome. You faced a fear? Congratulations. You did well with something you worked hard on? Fantastic. You finally made a 3-point shot in basketball practice? Spectacular. (This may or may not have been me this week) There isn't a line in the Golden Rule Book of  Life that says you can only celebrate things with great meaning. Well, now that I think about it, there isn't a Golden Rule Book of Life anyways, but if there was one, it wouldn't say that. It would probably say, "Life is best when we celebrate our successes, large and small, and also when we celebrate with others when they succeed. We don't have to be serious all the time, and only formally or informally congratulate someone when they solve world hunger." You never know when a simple compliment can turn someone's day around. 

We weren't created to be sad or lonely or discouraged. We were created to live victoriously, no matter what curve balls life throws our way. You got this. 

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Chaotic Magic of Passion

As I was lacing up my ankle braces for basketball practice, I realized it was the very first place and the very last place I wanted to be right then. I told this to Bailey Cahoon, and she said that's what the chaotic magic of passion is.

What are drives you? What makes you want to hop out of bed every morning, ready to handle whatever comes your way? What is your calling? 

I'm driven by success. One small success leads to another, and I want to be better. Some people are driven by the fear of failure; coincidentally, these are usually the people who are filled with fear from head toe but refuse to acknowledge it. They say nothing phases them. We are all scared of something, I'm scared I'll never reach my full potential, but I'm not too scared to let it get in my head. I know it's there, a little fear is good, healthy even. It's okay to be driven by fear, but don't let it drive you. This goes for any driving factor: reward, recognition, fear, success. Stay in the drivers seat, don't most your mind outthink itself. I guarantee you your mind is amazing, but there are bigger things out there than yourself. Find what drives you, face your fears, and stay in control. 

I find it way easier to get out of bed at five to go rope in the summer than to get out of bed at seven to go to school. I don't hate school, but it doesn't excite me or make my heart race. If I'm working towards a goal I absolutely love, or if I'm indulging on my passions, my mind finds a way to push out all the reasons to not do whatever I should do. This is the chaotic magic of passion. I'm excited by bettering myself, and by finding places that make my soul feel more alive. It's very easy to get out of bed when we are exploring our passions, doing whatever is necessary and more to be the best. They key is to find something you love and don't let anything stop you! 

I have no idea what I should do with my life. I have ideas but the question is constantly in my thoughts. I know I want to help people, but that's about it. I'm still looking for my calling, but I know it's out there. I think your calling might not be what you expected, it might be exactly what you pictured originally. Don't be afraid to explore a little, you might surprise yourself of your capabilities. But in the mean time, there's nothing wrong with enjoying the grand adventure of life. 

The chaotic magic of passion is beautiful and inspiring; let it spread across your mind! 

Sunday, 17 January 2016

I Stand All Amazed

I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me.

I know we all have low moments in life, they are a part of our mortal journey here on earth! I believe our trials are totally made to fit us, to help us and strengthen us and prepare us for greater things than we can ever comprehend. At some point, each of us will probably reach a point where we feel we can no longer do it alone. Some of our trials may not seem hard to everyone around us; the grass is always greener on the other side. I guarantee you everyone you meet is literally fighting a battle you know nothing about. Stop, and take a moment, and think about the people you are closest to. They are probably all struggling with something, although they are on different scales of "hardness" they are still there. If those you are closest to are struggling, then odds are other people are too, you just might not realize it. Although you might not know. Jesus Christ does. He understands your trials, your pains, your pleasures, and your joys. He knows because He has felt the pain, too. David A, Bednar, a member of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, said, "You and I in a moment of weakness may cry out, "No one understands. No one knows." No human being perhaps knows, but the Son of God perfectly knows and understands, for he felt and bore the burdens before we ever did."

I don't always pray out loud, but last night I did. I was driving home from basketball, and I had a distinct thought that I needed to talk to God, to openly and reverently talk with Him. I turned off the radio, and immediately tears started to fall down my cheeks. Basically, I realized I was on the bottom of something, but I'm not sure what. I prayed for forgiveness, I prayed for peace of mind, and I prayed for strength. At first, I felt utterly alone and hopeless, but as my prayer became more fervent, so did my feelings of determination and a new perspective, one that made the impossible become possible, and the quiet but firm conformation that God cares about me. I pulled into my driveway, overwhelmed and humbled by the power of a simple prayer to my Heavenly Father, and the renewed hope that came with it. Today, as I sat waiting for a lesson at church, I was asked to read a scripture as part of the lesson. It was Doctrine and Covenants 33:8. Previously, the amazing woman who asked me to read the scripture sent me the exact same verse in a message. I had shared with her my fear of over speaking, or saying too much. She said she felt as long as you have something to say, it's completely okay to say it. That in itself was a huge comfort to me, but as she asked me to read it today, the feeling of peace flooded my entire being. I knew that God knew exactly what I needed, and had inspired her to ask me to read this scripture in class. This sister had no idea I needed that conformation of my identity today, but she was humble enough to respond to the prompting.

Aren't we all fighting a battle of some kind? Aren't we all just struggling to put one foot in front of the other at some point? Haven't we all, either knowingly or unknowingly, been the recipient of miracles, both large and small? Do we recognize the Hand of God in our lives?

This morning, as I woke up, and snow covered everything, I realized it was a blanket from heaven, meant to warm each of our souls after a long, cold storm. I believe we are all sent these blankets in our darkest hours, these Tender Mercies from our Father in Heaven, who wants us to succeed. He will send angels to help us, even though some of these angels might be mere mortals walking among us. His astounding knowledge of the desires of our hearts allows Him to better be able to help us on this difficult but beautiful journey on this earth.

I hope each of us can make an effort to reflect, and act upon any inspiration received. You just never know who might need it!

Sunday, 10 January 2016

For the Love of the Game

I've played basketball since I was 5. It's been a part of my life literally since I was born; my dad used to coach girls high school basketball when I was little. Ive dreamed of being on the Varsity team for as long as I can remember, and now I'm "living the dream." Most of my metaphors are based on this beautiful game, could you expect anything different? 

Not only does my family fuel my passion for the game, but my entire community plays a part in it. It's literally a way of life in Southern Alberta, it brings us together. We won a tournament (more later) yesterday, and everyone at church knew and totally congratulated me on the win, including the Stake President, President Lowe. When there's a home game, the gym is filled with people from Cardston. There's nothing like playing in front of all those people. 

It reminds me of the little girl who fell in love with the game and never looked back. The one who pushed through uncomfort, who has been hurt and still played. That little girl has grown up, and it's been fun to be in all the stages of my basketball career, and to be a part of the amazing teams I've been blessed to be on. Every coach I've played for has brought out a different element of my game, and I will be forever grateful for that. 

Okay, so back to our tournament yesterday. We haven't been clicking as a team, it's taken us a while. As soon as this tournament started, we knew it was going to be different. We played together, and we had so much fun. One of my best friends, Bailey Nelson, even lost her shoe and kept playing. She drained a 3 shoeless. Sometimes, we have to push through hard times and wait until it clicks. But when it clicks, it's beautiful. 

The love of the game has pushed me, and I'm grateful for the chance I have to play this game! This grand adventure has become one of my very favourites in my life so far. 

Friday, 1 January 2016

Set Your Soul on Fire

Why do we do what we do? Is it because it's a routine, a way to survive life? Or is it because we love it and we are passionate about it? 

I have definitely been caught in both scenarios. There are things we have to do in life to survive, even if we don't necessarily want to do them. I completely understand this concept; I'm not talking about these tasks in this post. I'm talking about the things we choose to do: hobbies, interests, jobs, and religious activities, to name a few. 

The things each of us are passionate about aren't random, I believe we are meant to pursue them to the best of our abilities. Each of our capacity for greatness is much larger than we realize, it doesn't matter what greatness means to you. The roles we have to play here are vital to other people's well being, not to mention ours. 

There are times when the necessary parts of life start to take their toll, and stress can become overwhelming. Outlets, as I call them, are absolutely essential to each of us. I have several: spending time with my family, riding a horse, playing basketball, exploring, taking photos, attending church, and writing. These take my mind off the more taxing areas of my life, and allow me to be creative and free. They set my soul on fire. They give me time to appreciate what I have, and allow me to focus on the postives, which can be extremely challenging in some circumstances. 

Part of my 2016 New Years Resolution is to enjoy the present in the fullest way possible. I'm going to be there for people, stop and reflect, appreciate the beauty and character of the place I'm in and the people I'm around, and rush to make memories. I'm hoping I can stick to this goal for a whole entire year...

I hope we can all find an outlet, and actively pursue what sets our soul on fire.