Sunday 3 April 2016

Light at the End of the Tunnel

I've been debating posting this for a while for a few reasons. Sometimes when I state my problems or issues or trials or whatever you want to call them, I feel like I'm begging for attention, which is the exact opposite reason behind this blog. I also don't want to say my problems are worse than someone else, because that is entirely untrue as I sit here thinking about other people I know and what they are going through. I'm also unsure how to say some of the things I want to say, but I still feel like I should write this post.

I've always considered myself a happy person. I try to look on the bright side of things and I try to do what I feel is right. I've found a few things I am very passionate about, and I devote most of my time bettering myself in these areas. Sometimes, they might run me down a little bit, but never taking a taxing toll on my body or mind. I love finding adventure in everything, and finding little pockets of joy around every corner. Normally, this works great for me.

Lately, I've had a harder time with this. I don't necessarily look forward to getting up for school. My body is sore and I feel agitated at little things that normally wouldn't bother me. Some mornings, it takes every ounce of strength I have to climb out of bed and go to school.

Part of this is because school gets harder when you advance in the system, and sometimes it can feel overwhelming. I think another part has to do with a concussion from basketball this year. Constant headaches are never fun...

But I think another part of it just has to do with the fact that life isn't easy and it definitely wasn't meant to be. We are meant to grow here, and sometimes, in order to grow, we have to be given challenges to overcome and learn from. God gives us trials to allow us to come back to Him and receive a boost in faith and trust in His perfect plan. We aren't created to fail, but rather to be taught and learn about life. If we weren't ever given anything challenging, we would stay the same.

I still question why it is so hard to be motivated sometimes. Tonight was one of those times. I walked outside and saw some blossoms on a bush in my backyard. Not all of them are blooming yet, but a few close to the ground have opened. I'm here to say that no matter how hard the winter, the spring is coming. It might take a little while, but it will come. The dark night will end, and oh, how glorious the sunrise. Yes, life might seem dark, cruel, and unforgiving. It might seem overwhelming and borderline impossible. It is on our own, but the great thing is we aren't alone. We have a Heavenly Father who knows us personally and loves us. ( If you want more information on this, visit or No matter how alone we may feel we are, He is always there for us. In our trials, we need to turn to Him, and ask for the strength to overcome them, rather than turn away and ask why we are going through this.

We can overcome depression, anxiety, fear, heartache, tragedy, or anything else that seems so prominent in this world. Even the worst day of your life only has twenty four hours. Every winter will end, and spring will come. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, we just need faith to follow the path until then!

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