Sunday 17 April 2016



Just that word probably sparked a thought of something you feel is currently impossible in your mind; maybe it was more than a single thought. 

It's different for everyone, but I know I have certain things I feel are impossible. That word is a blockade in our minds, it labels something impossible and we basically give up on it or move past it, and on with our lives. Sometimes this happens subconsciously, and sometimes it happens because we choose to let it. 

Now, I'm going to suggest something, and it's going to seem hard and daunting and maybe kind of scary. It might upset your mind for a while because sometimes our minds don't want to think outside the box. 

Here it is: nothing is impossible. Honestly. Whatever you have labeled impossible is merely labeled wrong. Yes, it might be challenging, but not impossible. 

Break impossible apart with me for a second. I'm possible. Replace everything you have deemed impossible with I'm possible. Easy? No. Possible? Yes. 

Set small, achievable goals. Work towards them step by step. Love yourself entirely, and impossible most definitely becomes possible. 

Impossible is a big word thrown around by small men who are filled with fear by the thought of creating a better world and not just accepting what they have. Impossible is an opinion, never a fact. Impossible is a dare, meant to spark a competitive drive and ignite a fire that can light a path to a new way of life for yourself and those around you. 

Take a stand today. Impossible is unrealistic, and suppressing. Challenging things are all around us, and they are meant to be worked at and can refine us into who we are meant to become. Impossible is temporary. Everything seems impossible until it's done. Whatever came into your head when you read the word impossible at the beginning is exactly what you should pursue!

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