Despite our best efforts to be kind to everyone, we usually end up neglecting someone, and for me, it's typically myself.
I have always expected great things from myself. I've always wanted to be the best at whatever I was doing; I hate losing and I have a hard time being happy with my efforts, no matter what they are. I always feel like I could be doing something more to better myself and I can't seem to be happy with each stage of the process. I try really hard, and sometimes I try to act like I'm happy with it, but deep down I know I can do better.
I've had people tell me they admire my drive, but as much as other people might think it's good, I've had to learn to control it. Yes, it's good to be motivated. Yes, it's good to not be able to settle for mediocrity. I believe there's a point where it can be too much. It can completely take over your life, I've let this happen. When my drive starts driving my life, I lose control and end up driving myself straight into the ground. Not literally, but physically and emotionally I feel like I can't function. I become stressed out about everything. If I go somewhere, I have to tell myself it's okay, I don't need to be practicing or studying all the time.
Although my drive is one of my strengths, it can also be counted as a weakness when it stops me from being kind to myself.
Our journey will always be uphill if we are doing what's best and right for ourselves. It's meant to teach us, to push us, to refine us into what we are meant to be. Little by little, day by day, we begin to become more suited for the hill we are currently climbing. This is usually when we are then given a harder hill, and we can begin to feel discouraged. I promise you can make it up your hill if you keep putting one foot in front of the other.
We are all going to make mistakes. We will mess up, and sometimes it might not seem like it will be okay. You will bounce back eventually. You'll make up for it. Just allow yourself to be okay with the rate which you are progressing.
You are strong. I know you are. You're doing the best you can, and that's enough, so please be kind to yourself.