Sunday 21 February 2016

Madness of Magic

Magic. The simple word evokes a sense of wonder and curiosity, it is the bridge between the known and the unknown, the seen and unseen. It can be a label given to a mysterious thing, or something we don't completely grasp.

I believe in magic to a certain extent. I'm not saying I believe in unicorns or fairies and pixie dust. I believe extraordinary moments in ordinary tasks of each day of our lives, I believe magic resides in each of us, and it comes alive in scenarios we need it, or to add a cherry on top of a fantastic moment.

Roald Dahl said, "And above all. watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it."

Now, I don't know about you, but this speaks directly and powerfully to my soul. It literally makes me want to go out, and find magic. It makes me want to explore caverns untouched, and wander off the beaten path. It motivates me to do extraordinary things. Yes, all of these things sound amazing, but are they very realistic? Not at all.

Magic is to be found in the midst of ordinary tasks we perform on the daily. Magic can happen on a simple drive to wherever you need to go (school, work, etc.) as the sun is rising, and it finally peaks over the horizon, allowing the rays to spread across the landscape all around you. Magic can be present when we reach a goal, or a milestone. Magic can be present in the quiet hours of the early morning, when amazing and reaffirming thoughts enter our tender minds. Magic can happen when we all come together to create something that wasn't there before, or to help someone in need out. Magic is all around us, we just need to have the courage to see it.

I believe we as a society far too often dismiss magic as a mere coincidence, never giving it the full attention and credit it deserves. Magic doesn't have to be a spell, or a wave of the wand to be real magic. We forget the notions of magic we each once held dear in our minds in our earlier years, deeming it as unrealistic and a waste of energy. I challenge each of you to revisit those ideas, and allow yourself to feel magic in your life again.

Maybe to find magic, you have to get away from reality for a while. Unplug, refresh, find magical moments again.

I believe magic can be captured in a photograph, whether it's from a real camera or from your smart phone. I believe magic is passed around in a genuine smile or a contagious laugh. Magic is literally wherever we look for it.

Please find magic. You might see it occasionally, and I want you to look for it more often. You might never see it, and I hope you find glimmers of it, because it's there. I've seen it, I've felt it, and I've lived around magical people. Magic is in details, in flower petals and water droplets. All you have to do is look for it through glimmering eyes, and it'll be there!

P.S. I want to hear about your magic moments! You can comment on this blog post, or send me an email, or comment on my Facebook and/or Instagram post(s) regarding this blog post. I look forward to hearing about them!

1 comment:

  1. Live this Jill! I have magical moments every day as a mom! :)
